Today was very productive! I foot my first vase during class and it is now in the bisque kiln. I also finished glazing my plate (wide project) and stuck it in the kiln. After school, I made another nice vase (shown below) which I will foot tomorrow. Yay! 
Today I made a nice vase to start out my set of three! (pic below) Tomorrow I plan to foot that vase, glaze my plate, and maybe start on another vase if there is time. Busy scrambling before the quarter ends! 
Made a plate yesterday! :) Foot it today and put it in the bisque kiln! 




Last week, I spent nearly all of my time off of the wheel, either grading blogs or doing things with sentences for the soup bowl fundraiser. I guess my link still isn't working on Ms. H's website?
My quest for a good wide project has been unsuccessful so far. On friday, i made a nice one but there were just too many tears and little holes in it because the clay was awful quality. Then yesterday, Monday, I made another wide project with mixer clay but it had a huge hunk of stick tool in it so I couldn't keep that one either. :( 
It has been a very hectic week! We have only had class for a few days due to HSPE testing and I've spent a lot of class time either watching wheel demonstrations or helping the n00bs start to throw. My bowl for the soup kitchen is out of the glaze, so next up is my wide project, which I will start tomorrow :)
Today Johnna and I put up posters around the school advertising the empty bowls event at the food bank. Then I finished glazing my soft slab bowl and stuck it on the glaze shelf. I need to throw one more bowl tomorrow!
I had a great week, how was yours? On monday, I finally suceeded in making a sufficient tall project and I footed it on Tuesday. Yesterday, Wednesday, I made a soft slab bowl for the soup kitchen while I waited for Mr. Tall to get out of the bisque kiln. Today is Thursday, and I am going to stick my bowl on the bisque cart and glaze my tall project before tomorrow, because I have a field trip to Central. Adios!