This is my cake stand! It broke in the bisque kiln because the base was too thick. I could've avoided this by pulling up more or trimming with a stick/number 7 tool. 
This is a theme choice plate. It is stained with dark blue and glazed with clear. The flowers are painted with different thicknesses of stain, making the big flower darker and the two lighter ones smaller and more faint. It was an experiment with thicknesses of stain. 
This is a theme choice pinch pot turtle. It is stained with green and glazed over with clear. The design of his shell was my first experiment with attaching 3D pieces to a flat surface. His eyes and open-mouthed smile are cute and animated. 
This is one of my theme choice projects, a plate. It is glazed with white and forest green. It shows my theme of experimentation because I used a new method of glazing: taping. Putting the tape down gave the project a great 
x-shaped design that contrasts with the darkness of the rest of the plate.